Independent providers. No managers, Only Indy's
On Demand GPS local matching platform for meetups: Erotic and Sensual Massage Providers, Service Providers, Adult Entertainment, Dancers, Performers and their Clients.

Prepayment Processing
Dispute resolution for prepaid services
Partner Drivers
Our partner drivers go through extensive onboarding criteria. A small percentage of each sale is deducted from the total and paid to the partner drivers.
Age Verification
We work to prevent minors from using the app or even perusing its contents by requiring all guests and users to complete age verification submissions. Violators will be subject to investigation and we will provide this information to law enforcement. OnlyIndys is a subcategory of a larger marketplace app.
Location Proximity
Providers and clients are not privy to the exact location of the service address for either in/out service. Only the partners receive this information for rideshare and delivery. This is for the protection and security of our users. Providers are paid in United Coin Gold. Clients load their wallets to use in the market ecosystem.

No Menu's
Timed Play
Meetups are timed play only. Based hourly, or preset multi-hour encounters.